It’s so good for women to be recognised

We should always be prepared to stand up and make a difference. That’s what I try and do for my clients every day.  I specialises in care proceedings, female genital mutilation orders and probate work. For International Women’s Day 2021, Helen spoke to Sacco Mann about the effects of the pandemic upon women.

Women have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19 as statistically more likely to be furloughed, leading on home-schooling and of course, domestic violence. However, the positives are that there is renewed confidence in their ability to multi task and the realisation that home working for some is the new ‘normal’, so it is not all negative.

For the full article, and to see what I had to say about the effects of the pandemic women on women, including the positives, the biggest challenges for me personally and what I’m looking forward to when lockdown ends, see the full article at:

International Women’s Day 2021 – Sacco Mann Talks To… Helen Crockett at Crockett & Co Solicitors

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